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Frequently Asked Questions

Browse through thousands of listed jobs, find your suitable job.

Question 1
What is AirCrewConnect?

We are a multi level recruitment platform allowing Crew Members and Recruiters to connect a cost effective and easy way. Allowing Recruiters to post jobs with ease and crew members to upload their profiles to apply. We built this platform to enhance the recruitment experience for both parties with powerful yet simple software processes.

Question 2
How Does AirCrewConnect Work?

Crew members can sign up to either the 'Lite' or 'Pro' subscription. 'Lite' version is a free subscription which gives crew members access to the job network. 'Pro' version is a premium subscription which gives which gives enhanced benefits. Sign up is quick and easy using email. The main database is split into Pilots and Flight Attendants, Full Time and Freelance jobs. The database is fully searchable regardless of membership status. Job applications are allowed regardless of membership status however, the amount/type of application allowed does vary depending on membership. Once the crew Members have applied they will be informed via their dashboard of the status of their application. Recruiters can either search the database for the qualified Crew Members as well as uploading jobs. Once the job is posted, the jobs are made public and are visible for the entire internet to see. When crew members apply for jobs the recruiter is informed immediately in their dashboard. The recruiter is able to quickly check the credentials and accept, reject or shortlist the application.

Question 3
How do I apply for jobs?

You can apply for a new job by following these steps: - Sign in to the, you will be landed on the jobs page - Click on the profile icon (top right corner; next to the Search Jobs button) - On the profile page; upload your data (profile picture, CV, Cover Letter, and other information as needed) - Go back to the jobs homepage and find your right job and click it - There you can click the apply button and it will proceed with your application That's it! You've successfully applied for the job.

Question 4
What type of membership options are available for Crew Members?

There are two types of subscriptions - Crew members can sign up to either 'Lite' or 'Pro'. 'Lite' version is a free subscription which gives crew members access to the job network. 'Pro' version is a premium subscription which gives which gives enhanced benefits. Sign up is quick and easy using email.

Question 5
Who is eligible to use AirCrewConnect?

Any qualified Crew Member (over the age of 18), any Corporate Aviation Company, Private Jet Owner or Aircraft Aviation Operator.

Question 6
What are minimum requirements as a Crew Member to be eligible to use the website's services?

Crew Members must hold flight crew licenses, validations and crew member certificates. We take safety and security very seriously, and we regularly monitor the profiles of new and existing users. We have a strict code and policy of banning fraudulent users and their IP addresses.

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